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Does The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Hurt After?

Many people are concerned about post-wisdom tooth extraction discomfort or agony, but is it worth so much worry

Third molars, often known as wisdom teeth, can quickly get impacted in the jaw and need to be surgically removed when this occurs. The good news is that this procedure is usually carried out at the dental clinic chair-side. A wisdom tooth extraction near you is frequently performed rapidly, but in more complicated situations, cutting the gum and bone may be necessary, and the tooth may need to be removed in pieces.

The patient may experience discomfort even though the surgical process is comfortable. But is suffering typical? Furthermore, how bad should it be?

How Long Does the Pain Last After an Extraction?

Based on the type of extraction needed and the speed of your body’s natural healing method, you can expect discomfort and swelling from the treatment to continue for roughly 3 to 7 days. You don’t have to put up with the pain, though, thanks to over-the-counter painkillers. Most dentists advise bringing painkillers to provide comfort during the healing period.

How Long is the Recovery Time?

Individuals heal at different rates following wisdom tooth removal. Patients may occasionally require stitches to heal their wounds; these stitches may be released after a week. You could occasionally experience more discomfort, bruising, and swelling. The healing process, however, typically takes time and can last a week or two.

A brief timeline of the healing process following wisdom tooth removal is provided below:

  • To promote the formation of a blood clot, you must place antiseptic gauze in the vacant socket for a few hours. Within 24 hours, blood clots will form.
  • You must take great care to avoid disturbing the blood clot since doing so could result in a “dry socket,” which can be very painful.
  • Over two to three days, the bump on your lips and cheeks will gradually subside.
  • The dentist may schedule a follow-up within a week to remove the sutures.
  • Within 10 days, the discomfort and jaw stiffness will be gone.
  • Even individuals with the most unperceptive healing times will recover fully within two weeks.

Different people experience recovery from wisdom tooth removal in different ways. To hasten the healing process, there are various things you can do or leave out. Maintaining blood clots in your mouth is crucial because they limit excessive bleeding, shield open wounds from infections, promote tissue growth, and generally hasten healing.

The blood clots are especially acute during the first 24 hours following wisdom tooth removal. It would be best to use extreme caution to prevent shifting the blood clots during this time. It would help if you heeded the following recommendations:

  • For a day, avoid brushing your teeth in the area where your wisdom tooth was removed.
  • Rinse your mouth sparingly because doing so could force the blood clot to break loose.
  • Don’t consume hot beverages.
  • Avoid eating anything hard or crunchy.
  • Avoid sucking on anything, including cigarettes or straws.
  • Don’t smoke or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours.

What Can You Do After the Surgery?

You are free to eat and drink, but you should avoid doing so from the side of your mouth where the extracted tooth was, and you should limit yourself to cold, soft things like yogurt or ice cream. The below recommendations for at-home care should aid in the recovery:

  • Use an antimicrobial mouthwash to avoid illness.
  • To relieve your sore gums, flush your mouth with warm salt water.
  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Don’t work out for the time being.
  • Limit your diet to soft things like yogurt, jello, mashed bananas, soft noodles, and eggs.

What is a Wisdom Tooth Infection?

One of the most frequent causes of wisdom tooth removal is infection. When the wisdom teeth are impacted or haven’t fully erupted, they can be more challenging to wash than other teeth. The accumulation of plaque, tartar, and germs in that situation may result in bacterial infections and inflammation around the wisdom tooth.

What’s the Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure?

The removal of wisdom teeth can be done non-surgically or. The local dentist near you can pluck the teeth out during essential wisdom tooth removal. The dentist will need to create incisions in the gum tissue, separate the damaged tooth into smaller fragments, remove the pieces, and stitch the incisions during surgical wisdom tooth removal.

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

Simple wisdom tooth extractions cost between $75 and $200 per tooth. A surgical wisdom tooth extraction might cost between $225 and $600 per tooth.

Set Up an Appointment Today

To find out if you have affected wisdom teeth or require an immediate wisdom tooth extraction, our Port Moody Dentist carefully inspects your teeth. Make an appointment to remove your wisdom teeth for additional information.
